Pr Ali Otom

MD, JB ,FEB PMR D.Med Rehab (RCP), London.
Senior Consultant in Spinal injuries & Rehabilitation Medicine.
Royal Specialty Centre for Spine and Musculoskeletal Disorders & Jordan University Hospital.

Spinal Cord Injuries: Challenges and Future Prospects in the MENA Region

Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) are among the most severe conditions, causing significant physical, psychosocial, and vocational challenges for patients and caregivers.

In the MENA region, with an estimated incidence of 23 per million, 80% of SCI patients lack access to specialized care due to insufficient infrastructure, trained professionals, and public awareness. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive, patient-centered approach, including prevention, early intervention in specialized centers, multidisciplinary rehabilitation, and community reintegration.

Future efforts should focus on strengthening advocacy, expanding specialized services, and integrating advanced rehabilitation technologies.