Pr Fary Khan

Professor at University

Rehabilitation and Women’s Health: Global Challenges and Opportunities

This lecture will highlight global challenges for Women’s Health and Rehabilitation. An updated Health Policy strategy for Women will be presented across a range of factors such as biomedical, behavioural, social, economic and environmental influences, that contribute to health outcomes; and key health inequities such as access to services, health literacy, stigma and gender inequality, that are experienced by many women. Acknowledging the unique needs of different population groups is a key element, with priority populations recognised and targeted interventions identified to improve health outcomes from the Rehabilitation perspective.

Through a life course approach, there is recognition of a range of health needs, risks and influences experienced by women at different stages of life, and focuses on the importance of investing in awareness and education, health interventions, service delivery and research at these key stages to maximise physical, mental and social health at every age. The principles and objectives provide a frame for both the development and implementation of priorities and actions outlined to drive change and improve health outcomes.